
We’ve got something for everyone in the family.

Departments of Ministry

Ministry For All Ages & Interests


This arm of helps ministry is designed to ensure the comfort and convenience of church membership and its constituency. This ministry is responsible for the dissemination of information, ushering, greeting and the care of visiting ministries.

Members Services

Members Services is an arm of ministry that helps facilitate the flow of data and support for our members. This ministry is responsible for the structuring and dissemination of pertinent information to the church body. Member services also provide various certificates and logistical support in member organization.

Intercessory Prayer Team

As this ministry is titled, prayer and the organization of such activity will be the focus of his department. All prayer meetings will be hosted and coordinated by the prayer team.

Praise & Worship

Our praise and worship ministry is a powerful resource by which the presence of God is ushered into the local assembly. Worship is an expression of love and awe to the God who gives us more than we deserve. We teach that true worship can only come from a heart that knows God and as a congregation; we strive to be this model.

Media Ministry

The media ministry encompasses the content and quality of ministry that is displayed via audio, video and the internet. Our objective through media is to present truth in a relevant and technologically sound manner to connect with people beyond the spoken word and printed page. This outlet of ministry allows us to utilized live and record material to promote our vision.

Dynamic Angels (Children’s Ministry)

The Children’s Ministry endeavors to introduce and foster in our children a loving relationship with God. They are taught pertinent Bible principles in a child-friendly manner and encouraged to grow in Jesus Christ. Our program includes seasonal events, outings and a host of enjoyable activities. We encourage our parents to follow the Biblical statute of Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

The Daughters of the King (Women’s Ministry)

The aim of the Women’s Ministry is to uplift and edify the women of D.C.C.I. and empower them to become beacons of light and virtue to other women. Our purpose is to teach and train the women of this body to be Godly women, and productive members of their church, family, and community. We are guided by our motto: “Women of Virtue, Lead by the Spirit of God!”

Man-up Phase I (Men’s Ministry)

The goal of this ministry is to target young men in pursuit of molding and cultivating their character for excellence. Through Man-Up Phase I, young men will be encouraged to develop spiritually as well as in every area of life; we seek to address areas of social, academic and financial concerns that will enable a young man to be prepared to represent Christ in their sphere of life.

Man-up Phase II

This phase is designed to help groom character into men. Our character development focuses on virtues such as integrity, discipline, responsibility, honesty, and maturity in Christ. Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”.

Resource Center

The resource center is an online bookstore and media outlet where books, CD’s, items of interest and audio downloads can be accessed or purchased. This element is crucial because it provides ministry resources to the cyber world and the community at large.