Pastor Dimitri David, Jr.

Dimitri David Jr is Pastor and founder of Dunamis Christian Center International. 


20 Years Serving the Body of Christ

How We Got Started

Dunamis Christian Center International was founded in the year 2000 as a humble bible study in Pastor David’s home. As the congregation grew, DCCI relocated several times in order to accommodate growth. In obedience to the will of God, the growing congregation held its first Sunday service on the 1st of July 2001.

The Vision

The vision of DCCI is to minister God’s word, through the message of grace, and make a lasting impact on the community at large. DCCI seeks to organize and establish outreaches that will serve the masses, empower the powerless, and promote the message of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Under Pastor David’s leadership, DCCI endeavors to accomplish this by proclaiming and teaching that the key to effective living is the model of Christ-like character. As a teacher and expositor of God’s word, Pastor David is an able agent to lead the charge in communicating the word with boldness and simplicity. 

Compassionate Counseling

In addition to leading a successful ministry, Pastor David is a motivational speaker and compassionate counselor. Having served in the social services community for over 10 years, Pastor David has had the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life. His ultimate desire is to inspire, motivate, and encourage those he teaches for spiritual growth and personal development.


To contact Pastor Dimitri David:
EMAIL: [email protected]
Phone: 516-503-3868

Lady Rythda David

Lady Rythda David is an educator, community mentor, and minister. She serves alongside her husband, Pastor Dimitri David, Jr. at Dunamis Christian Center International.

Lady Rythda serves as director of the Daughters of the King women’s ministry and the Dynamic Angels children’s ministry. She is also actively involved in the church’s prayer and events ministries. A high school social studies teacher by vocation, Lady Rythda is committed to inspiring and empowering young people to be all that God has gifted them to be. She firmly believes that the spiritual life line for today’s youth is a compassionate, prayerful and Holy Spirit filled church, willing to teach the immutable truths of God’s word in a fun, engaging, yet uncompromising way.

When she isn’t teaching kids and organizing events, Lady Rythda can either be found encouraging women to trust and worship God as they journey through life’s seasons or leading daily prayer on the DCCI Zoom prayer line.

A loving wife, mother, and “bonus mom”, Lady Rythda and her husband have 4 children together. She loves her family dearly and gives all thanks to God for His faithfulness.